伊甸計畫(Eden Project)所在地St Austell
有古老城堡的St Mawes和Falmouth,
與法國Mount St Michel雷同的St Michael's Mount,
Cornwall地區重鎮Penzance, Land's End以及Virginia Woolf
作為To the Lighthouse寫作藍本的St Ives.

6/19 penzance

6/20 Marazion的St Michael's Mount
Castle - 29th March - 1st November, 10.30am - 5.00pm Sunday – Friday     Adults:   £7.00  
from Penzance station where you can travel by bus or taxi to Marazion (about 10 minutes away) +first bus
On Foot: Starting from the beachfront Godolphin Arms Hotel in the village of Marazion, it takes just minutes to walk across the bay from the mainland to the island. 
St. Michael's Mount在康瓦耳語的名稱為"Carrack Looz en Cooz",意即"在樹林裡的灰色岩石"。這樣的形容相當貼切,確實反映出該島是由花崗岩以及板岩組成的特色。
拜訪St. Michael's Mount最好的時機就是退潮,其實邊走邊拍照,這一趟路也得走個半個小時在島上晃了兩個小時,基本上就差不多了。

漲潮跟退潮景色差超多的 妳去了就可以發現神奇的地方 很好玩喔, 我是在城堡的餐廳吃的CREAM TEA 很不錯

St Austell的EDEN PROJECT是目前全世界最大的室內植物園,
St Austell station,車站外面就有直達接駁公車 可以上車直接買門票+公車來回票,還有學生優惠價
Train > St. Austell (55mins &  £5.20 : 12:54, 14:00, 14:49) + Buses that run regularly to Eden from St Austell Station: First 101  &Western Greyhound 527
Eden is open everyday from 10am - 6pm. Last entry is at 4.30pm.   Adults £16.00     Students* £8.00
THE MINACK THEATRE我覺得是"世紀傑作",他是蓋在崕邊的劇場,下面有一塊海灘 很美很美,我有下去玩水 像天堂一樣。Adult £15.00 10:00-16:30
Daily: 9.30am to 5.30pm (last entry 5pm) Adult £3.50
20 minutes from the busy port and town of Penzance,
10 minutes from Lands End
Scheduled services to Porthcurno from Penzance.
Routes 1 and 1A operated by firstBus
Route 504 operated by WESTERN GREYHOUND

open daily from 10am. Closing times vary between 4pm-5pm
Buses depart from the central bus station in Penzance.
See- If you just want to see the coast, you can avoid the entrance fee to the theme park by walking around the outside of the park, but when you get to the coast it's all a bit of a let-down with all the fairground rides so nearby.

Do-There is a tacky theme park on the site. A professional photographer takes photos of you in front of the signpost showing your hometown's distance (see photo above). He will charge you around £5 for the photos. Unfortunately you can't do photos on your own, since the signpost is surrounded by a small fence, preventing you from getting too close.
-Go to John O'Groats! The Land's End to John O'Groats, (or Vice Versa) journey has been undertaken by many individuals as a personal challenge and to raise funds for good causes. It is often undertaken on foot or by bicycle to raise funds. Ian Botham, the former -England cricketer, popularised the journey in recent years when raising funds for charity.
Walk to Sennen Cove. Those not wishing to walk the length of Great Britain, may alternatively prefer a walk on the clifftop to Sennen Cove and enjoy the spectacular sea views.
St Ives的泰德現代藝術館 Porthmeor Beach, St Ives, TR26 1TG http://www.tate.org.uk/stives
ST. IVES是個很可愛的小鎮,房子街道都超可愛的,這個鎮比較熱鬧,可以逛的地方比較多,冰淇淋超好吃 ,也有好幾家cormish pasty 是有得獎的,在沿海岸線的店家都能找到,TATE ST. IVES也可以去參觀一下.我有坐公車從ST. IVES到LANDS END 車程2.5個小時,是座OPEN TOP那種觀光巴士(可是好像只到9月3號就沒有這種觀光巴士了)
雖然坐在上面感覺風很大 很冷 難呼吸,可是那沿路的景色會讓美到讓人捨不得走,一切都是值得的!
NEWQUAY 的海岸線是衝浪出名的,但是這個鎮 我個人不太喜歡,那裡感覺比較亂,除了海岸線很美,鎮上的街道建築都不出色。

Tintagel的Tintagel Castle
Tintagel, Cornwall, Tintagel, PL34 0HE, Adults £4.90  << need to check, 10:00 - 18:00

Mevagissey的Lost Gardens of Heligan  http://www.heligan.com
Heligan, Pentewan, St Austell, PL26 6EN
Adult £8.50 10:00-17:00 Last admission 4.30pm

Falmouth的Trebah Garden http://www.trebah-garden.co.uk
Mawnan Smith, Falmouth, TR11 5JZ
Adult £7.50 10:30-17:00
Bath : 6 leaving
罗马浴池 Roman Bath Museum
门票•开放时间: 门票:成人10.5英镑(7-8月11英镑),65岁以上老人及学生9英镑,6-16岁儿童6.8英镑。
交 通: 位于市中心,近亚贝大教堂。

皇家新月楼(Royal Crescent

圆形广场(The Circus)

太阳的圆形广场(The Circus)和一座象征月亮的皇家新月楼(Royal Crescent) ,两者之间由布鲁克大街(Brock St.)连接

巴斯教堂 Bath Abbey
交 通 : 巴斯修道院在巴斯温泉浴场东边。

帕特尼桥 Pultney Bridge帕特尼桥位于市中心,横跨雅芳河上,连接起巴斯古城与新城。


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